Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a transformative cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of the breasts, tailored to individual preferences. Our patient-focused approach prioritizes your comfort and aesthetic goals, ensuring a personalized experience with natural-looking results. 

Breast Augmentation Explained

Breast augmentation, commonly known as “augmentation mammoplasty” or "boob job,” is a plastic surgery procedure used to add volume, expand breast bust size, or enhance the contour and symmetry of breasts through breast implants or a fat transfer.

During the surgery, implants—either silicone or saline—are strategically placed beneath the breast tissue or chest muscles. Ideal candidates are generally healthy women seeking to increase breast size, achieve better symmetry, or restore volume. The two main implant types, silicone and saline, offer unique benefits, allowing patients to choose an option that aligns with their preferences.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation

  • Enhanced Confidence: Breast augmentation can significantly boost self-esteem and body confidence, helping you feel more comfortable and positive about your appearance.
  • Improved Symmetry: The procedure can address uneven breast size, creating a more balanced and symmetrical silhouette for a harmonious overall look.
  • Clothing Fit: Enjoy a wider range of clothing options and styles, as breast augmentation enhances the contours of your body, allowing clothes to fit more attractively.
  • Restored Volume: For those who have experienced changes in breast volume due to factors like pregnancy or weight loss, augmentation can restore fullness and youthful contours.
  • Personalized Aesthetics: Choose the size, shape, and type of implants to achieve your desired look, allowing for a personalized and tailored enhancement that aligns with your aesthetic goals.

How New Horizons Can Help

At New Horizons Center for Cosmetic Surgery, we offer a comprehensive approach to breast augmentation, tailoring our services to meet your unique aesthetic goals. Our expert plastic surgeons provide personalized consultations to understand your desires and guide you through the process, ensuring a comfortable and informed experience.

With a commitment to natural-looking results, New Horizons combines artistry and expertise to enhance your confidence and achieve the silhouette you've always envisioned. Schedule a consultation today to discover how our skilled plastic surgeons can help you on your journey to a more confident you.

Breast Augmentation FAQs

Recovery times vary, but generally, patients can expect to return to normal activities within a week. However, strenuous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for a few weeks to ensure optimal healing and the best long-term results.

Safety is paramount, and our experienced dermatologists prioritize FDA-approved implants. During your consultation, we'll discuss various implant options, such as silicone or saline, helping you make an informed decision based on your body type, lifestyle, and desired outcome.

In most cases, breast augmentation should not significantly impact breastfeeding. Our skilled practitioners employ techniques that minimize interference with milk ducts and nerves. However, it's crucial to discuss your plans for breastfeeding during the consultation to ensure the most appropriate approach for your individual circumstances.

Whether or not you'll need to replace your breast implants depends on various factors, including the type of implants you have, your body's response to them, and any complications that may arise over time.

In general, breast implants are not considered lifetime devices, and many women may need to replace them at some point in their lives. The lifespan of breast implants can vary, but it's generally recommended to have them evaluated by your plastic surgeon periodically, typically every 10 years, to assess their condition and determine if replacement is necessary.

Everything You Should Know about Breast Augmentation

Interested in Breast Augmentation?

Let's discuss the best options for you.

What to Expect at Your Breast Augmentation Appointment

Initial Consultation:
Our board-certified surgeons provide a comfortable, unhurried setting for our patients’ initial consultations. Their friendly and approachable personalities help patients talk openly about their aesthetic goals and ask questions without feeling rushed. They strive to clearly understand their patients’ concerns and help them develop realistic expectations about their results.

As part of the consultation, our surgeons perform physical exams and carefully explain how they use this information to create a customized treatment plan that encompasses both a patient’s cosmetic goals and these physical details.

Patients who are undergoing breast augmentation revision surgery to replace their implants will also have the chance to discuss their options for new implants during the consultation.

Breast augmentation involves a variety of decisions that our surgeons use to personalize each procedure. During the consultation, they help patients understand the advantages of each breast implant option and the various surgical techniques they use. Their expertise helps patients determine the combination that’s best suited for their bodies and cosmetic goals.

After your consultation, should you decide to move forward with the breast augmentation, we will get to work planning the mechanics of your breast enhancement surgery that will ultimately lead you to improved confidence and a more balanced figure.

Every breast augmentation surgery is unique and takes different amounts of time, depending on your breast enhancement direction. Generally, breast augmentation takes about 1 to 2 hours. The surgeon will then dress and close the incision with skin adhesive, sutures, or surgical tape. You will be placed in a post-operative surgical bra with a front closure that makes it easier to get on and off.

How to Prepare for a Breast Augmentation

Preparing for your breast augmentation is an essential step towards a successful and satisfying outcome.

After completing your thorough consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeons, we'll ask you to:
  • Follow your surgeon's pre-operative instructions diligently, which may include avoiding certain medications and supplements that can increase the risk of bleeding.
  • Make arrangements for a supportive friend or family member to assist you during the initial recovery period.
  • Plan your post-surgery environment to ensure comfort, with loose, comfortable clothing and a designated recovery space at home. It's advisable to stock up on essentials and follow any dietary recommendations provided by your surgeon.
  • Lastly, mentally prepare by understanding the recovery process, setting realistic expectations, and maintaining a positive mindset. By proactively addressing these aspects, you can contribute to a smooth and successful breast augmentation experience.

Planning for Recovery after Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation recovery time varies depending on your enhancement plan. While it is advised that you lay low and have available supervision immediately after surgery, you can walk about 1-2 hours after the procedure and return to work within 5-7 days.

As this is an invasive cosmetic surgery, expect swelling and soreness of the breasts around your incision for a few weeks and accurately follow your surgeon’s physical activity schedule.

Full recovery from breast enhancement surgery takes around 4-6 weeks. Many patients resume light exercise activity after two weeks and return to the gym at four weeks.

We will give detailed instructions on how to maintain your breasts in a post-op visit. We will guide you through:
  • Wearing special supportive breast recovery bandages and bras.
  • Caring for your incisions and bandage changes.
  • Management of oral pain and antibiotic medications.
  • Gentle restorative exercise post-surgery.
  • Instructions for eating, sleeping, and bathing comfortably.