Male Hair Transplant

Advanced Male Hair Transplant Procedures at New Horizons in Skokie, IL

A male hair transplant is a surgical procedure aimed at addressing male-pattern baldness or hair thinning by relocating healthy hair follicles from the donor area, typically the back or sides of the scalp, to regions experiencing hair loss. While female hair transplants have gained popularity, male hair restoration remains the primary focus of our practice at New Horizons.

We specialize in Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplantation, which allows for the correction of male pattern baldness without the noticeable and often painful linear scars associated with strip Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) procedures. This advanced method involves extracting individual hair follicles and transplanting them to the thinning areas, resulting in a fuller and natural-looking head of hair.

Our transformative hair restoration procedures not only enhances the patient's overall appearance but also boosts their confidence. At New Horizons in Skokie, IL, our experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized care and exceptional results for every patient.

Schedule a consultation today to explore how our male hair transplant services can help you achieve a rejuvenated and confident look.

Male Hair Transplant Explained

A male hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves the relocation of healthy hair follicles from a donor area, typically the back or sides of the scalp, to areas affected by male-pattern baldness or hair thinning. This procedure aims to restore a fuller and more natural-looking head of hair by strategically transplanting hair follicles, providing a long-term solution to hair loss in men.

Benefits of Male Hair Transplant

A male hair transplant offers a transformative solution for individuals experiencing male-pattern baldness or hair thinning. The procedure provides both aesthetic and psychological benefits, contributing to increased self-confidence and a more youthful appearance.
  • Natural-Looking Results: Transplanted hair follows the natural growth pattern, ensuring a seamless and authentic appearance.
  • Permanent Solution: The transplanted hair is resistant to hormonal factors causing male-pattern baldness, offering a lasting solution.
  • Improved Self-Esteem: Restoring a fuller head of hair often leads to increased self-esteem and confidence in personal and professional interactions.
  • Minimally Invasive: Techniques like Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) minimize scarring and downtime, allowing for a quicker recovery.
  • Tailored to Individual Needs: The procedure can be customized to suit individual preferences and desired hair density, providing a personalized approach to hair restoration.

How New Horizons Can Help

At New Horizons Center for Cosmetic Surgery, we specialize in male hair transplants, offering personalized solutions to address male-pattern baldness and hair thinning. Our experienced team is committed to providing natural-looking results, tailored to individual needs. If you're ready to regain confidence and achieve a fuller head of hair, schedule a consultation with our experts today. Your journey to transformative male hair restoration begins here at New Horizons.

Hair Transplantation FAQs

Not always, but it helps. A buzz cut allows for larger, megasession harvests of up to 3,500 FUEs in one session. Also, buzz cuts allow for the even spreading of harvest sites, resulting in more uniform distribution. For those who like very short haircuts, buzz cuts help avoid the “window effect.”

However, If you prefer to keep your hair long we can utilize the “stealth” technique. If your donor hair is long enough, harvesting using the FUE can be done by shaving small areas that can be covered by your other existing hair. However, this approach is limited to cases of 1,200 FU or less.

Yes, we offer temporary covers prepared by our experienced technicians than can camouflage donor sites. This allows for large sessions (as much as 3,000 FUE). While we still need to shave the back of your head, after about a week of initial healing, donor sites can be covered with temporary hairpieces until your donor site grows out enough to make you feel comfortable (usually about a month). Our skilled technicians can make these temporary covers undetectable! This hairpiece option is very popular with our patients, especially those who are in business, lawyers, artists etc.

Yes, when performed by skilled professionals, a male hair transplant results in natural-looking hair. The transplanted hair follows the natural growth pattern, ensuring a seamless and authentic appearance.

After the procedure, the transplanted hair typically sheds within the first few weeks, followed by a natural growth cycle. Visible results become apparent over the following months.

While individual healing timelines may vary, most individuals can typically resume regular activities within a week or two after the procedure. It is advisable to avoid strenuous activities and direct sun exposure during the initial weeks to facilitate optimal healing.

Male Hair Transplantation Testimonial

Interested in a Hair Transplant Procedure?

Talk to New Horizons today!

What to Expect at Your Male Hair Transplant Appointment

At a male hair transplant appointment, the process typically begins with a comprehensive consultation where the surgeon assesses your medical history, evaluates the extent of hair loss, and discusses your specific concerns. This is an opportunity to understand the procedure, ask questions, and determine the most suitable approach for your needs.

The duration of the procedure appointment can vary depending on factors such as the chosen technique (e.g., FUE, ARTAS® Robotic Hair Restoration, or Neograft® Automated Hair Transplantation) and the extent of hair loss, but it typically takes several hours. Local anesthesia is administered for a pain-free experience during the transplantation process.

Following the procedure, post-operative care instructions will be provided, and a follow-up appointment may be scheduled to monitor your progress and address any concerns.

How to Prepare for a Male Hair Transplant

To prepare for your male hair transplant appointment, adhere to any specific pre-procedure instructions provided by the medical team, which may include shaving the donor area and abstaining from certain medications or activities in the days leading up to the appointment. Seek a clear understanding of the procedure during the consultation, addressing any questions or concerns.

On the day of the appointment, wear comfortable clothing and arrange for transportation, as the procedurre can take several hours. Inform the medical team of any changes in your health or medications since the consultation. Your cooperation in following pre-procedure guidelines will contribute to a smooth and successful experience during your male hair transplant.

Planning for Recovery after Male Hair Transplant

Following a male hair transplant, anticipate a recovery period during which you may experience common side effects such as mild swelling, redness, and tenderness in both the recipient and donor areas. These effects are generally temporary and can be managed with prescribed medications and proper care. Expect the transplanted hair to shed within the first few weeks, followed by a natural growth cycle. It's advisable to avoid strenuous activities and direct sun exposure during the initial weeks.

Detailed post-operative care instructions will be provided, including guidance on hair washing and any necessary follow-up appointments. While individual healing timelines may vary, most individuals can typically resume regular activities within a week or two, with visible results becoming apparent over the following months.